Analog Video


Digital Video



Traditional video tape (which includes super VHS, VHS, VHS-C, Hi8,8mm) images are nothing but magnetic charges on metal particles glued to a plastic coating. A analog video tape loses its magnetic charges with both wear and time. This means that the precious memories that you have of the kids, family gatherings, babies first words or steps could all be lost soon if not already. After about 10 years even the best VHS video tapes will start to break down

Now is the time to transfer them to 

Digital Video, which is a "Archive Worthy" format. Archive worthy is defined as any long term storage medium that is 500 or more lines of horizontal resolution and is not vulnerable to casual usage or short term aging. Digital Video (DV) fulfills this definition for archive worthy.

This high archive worthy standard EXCLUDES both CD-ROM and DVD for two reasons. First of all both CD-ROM and DVD fall short of the high resolution standard of 500 lines of horizontal resolution. Secondly, both CD-ROM and DVD are vulnerable to scratches that can occur with casual use.

We do not assume Digital8 (D8) to be archive worthy medium due to reports of people losing valuable footage. For this reason we do not use or recommend Digital8 as an archive medium.

What we will do is transfer your video tapes to the Digital video format. We can transfer;

super VHS







Once transferred we then try and correct any color that has faded. We can also add titles. Then we transfer the video back to the original format. Now you have a New Copy and a Digital video master that will last up to 100 YEARS.

What most people do is put the Master Digital video tape in a safe deposit box or a very safe place. Years from now perfect copies can be made.

We do all the transferring ourselves, most places that offer this service send the tapes elsewhere, tapes could be damaged or lost in the mail. We do all the transferring in house.

This is also an excellent way to get all those short video clips onto one tape.

No job to big no job to small. We aim to please. We have more than 10 years experience. Please feel free to call us about any question you may have.

 We also repair broken video tapes.

Call us

(773) 650-9909


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